Friday, June 29, 2012

Finally... Home, Sweet Home

Almost exactly a week ago, My spectacular father and I, packed up the van and schlepped all my stuff to my new apartment- closer to my new job, and conveniently the perfect hour-or-so drive from the 'rents.

It's a move I was looking forward to for the past 2 years, and I have to say, I'm in love. The place is perfect for me. Big, but not too big. Clean. Updated, but not brand new. In a community with nice management and a pool. Literally everything that my college apartment was not.

This past week was spent getting things obsessively organized and arranged how I like them. Literally, that's what I did all week. Well, except for my daily couple of hours spent at Starbucks using the internet (finally getting cable and internet installed on Tuesday!)... I think they have begun to know me there.

So, want a tour? Good because you're getting one. Don't worry, it won't be long. It's a small place.

Dining room/ Office? I needed somewhere to work and keep all my teachery stuff... and eat. Enter bookshelf as storage and dining room table (inherited from my grandparents house) as desk.
Living room. Don't worry that horrendous pink chair is getting a slipcover as soon as Amazon delivers it. That couch is also slip covered... to disguise a eye-tiring floral pattern. Both pieces donated by my parents. Good their tastes have evolved since the 80s.
Where all the magic sleeping happens. Seriously this room is huge. I could do cartwheels. Yes, I am 22 and still sleep with my childhood teddy. His name is Elvis. No Shame. Don't judge. did I ever survive without a walk-in closet? And why can I never find anything to wear? 
My. Own. Bathroom. Enough said.
And my baby. The kitchen. See that fridge? It's all mine!
And a couple from out side:
I have a view of the lake from my patio. I call these guys my neighbors... and I had a little fun with instagram.
14? Really?
The life of a teacher is tough during summer break.
I love love love this place. My next mission is to fill all those blank walls with some original art. My mom is working on a quilt to hang over the couch, and I have some pieces already done and left over from my old place, but I can't wait to create some more and fill all the blank-ness! Good thing I have all summer to plan my lessons and get my classroom organized to decorate!

Here's to making a house a home!
~ Rach

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