One of the things I love about living on my own is having total control over the kitchen. No awkward tango with roommates (who I love and miss dearly) in the tiny apartment kitchen. No changing what I'm making for a hulking (now ex)boyfriend that hates mushrooms.
It's all about me and what I am craving at that moment. Although it makes me feel a little bit selfish saying it, it's awesome. Sorry, I'm not sorry.
Cooking for one can be tricky though. Certain dishes are more appropriately prepared for a crowd. Like, lasagna, for instance. But, in this past year of being
super-single, as I like to call myself, I have a couple of tricks that help me taper these recipes down to a perfect single-girl size.
So, without further ado, today's lesson, class, is lasagna. Single girl-style.
Lesson: Single Girl's Lasagna (makes 2 servings)
(vegan, gluten-free, low fat, low cal, budget friendly; see accommodations section for suggested
Necessary Materials:
- one small eggplant
- 1 zucchini
- 1/3 bolck of extra firm tofu
- ~cup jarred tomato sauce (I used Classico Tomato and Basil. Use your favorite)
- garlic powder, italian seasoning, red pepper flake
- 2 ramekins
- mandoline slicer or sharp knife
1) Wash veggies, peel eggplant and use mandoline to slice them into thin slices.
If you don't have a madoline, used a sharp knife to slice the veggies into ~1/8 in slices.
2) Slice tofu into 6 thin slices and press between paper towels.
3) Layer.
Starting with a bit of sauce, begin layering the ingredients. I did sauce, zucchini, sauce, egglant, sauce, crumbled tofu, etc. I like sauce.
On top of the tofu, sprinkle the seasonings.
Finish the layering with a layer of sauce.
4) Bake at 350 for about 40 min.
I baked mine in my little convection/toaster oven , but a conventional oven would work also.
5) Top with nooch, and enjoy!
Yummmmm! |
- If you are a meat/cheese eater, you could replace the tofu layer with a couple of your favorite stuffed ravioli.
I used to do this for my ex-boyfriend, and he loved it. It's an easy way to add in the pasta and cheese
or meat with out having to cook the noodles. Ravioli layer really well, too!
- Also, add in layers of cheese (vegan mozz or dairy cheese if you want).
I would have loved to add some daiya mozz, but I didn't have any, and on my budget, it wasn't
really an option.
- Add in whatever veg you have on hand.
Thin sliced mushrooms would have been a great addition.
I think this recipe was a great success! It was a lightened-up-for-summer version of the Italian comfort food I was craving. I have also recently developed a dislike for eggplant (it's a texture thing), and with this one, I was able to not waste it and disguise it in a tasty tomato-basil sauce costume. The best part, it made 2 perfectly-sized portions for dinner tonight and leftovers for tomorrow. It reheated beautifully.
Overall, I give this one a solid
On another note, I am spending the next 4 days babysitting hanging out with my Rabbi's (who is also a close family friend) 13-year-old son while the parents are out of town. Someone tell me, what am I supposed to do with this kid! Hopefully we can hit up a Red's game and the pool. Eh, at least it's some solid money to get me through the rest of the summer.
Here's to embracing single-girl life, and making the best of doing what's best for me more a change!
~ Rach