Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Woohoo! It's Wednesday! Which has quickly become my favorite day of the week. No classes. Relaxing morning in the coffee shop. Productivity. And, the Challenge on MTV. Sad, I know, but my roommates and I watch it every week, and we are definitely addicted.

A very happy Rach
So, let's get into it. Last week, I explained how I am a definite grazer. This week, I really wanted to try and capture everything I ate in a given day (Tuesday). And, it was hard. Random handfuls of grapes and a few Wasa crackers made it without getting pictured. But, hey, I tried. A for effort.

I was feeling really run down yesterday, so I gave myself a day off of the gym and slept in a little.

Breakfast (9:00a)
Daily oats: oat bran, black berries, apple, topped with pb. With agua y café. On my mess of a desk.
Lunch (12:40ish)
Hummus, avocado, tomatoes, cukes, romaine, and spicy brown mustard all wrapped in a Flatout. Mmmmm
With a side of carrots and the all-so-necessary dill pickle spear. What is a sandwich or a wrap without one?
Grapes about a half hour later for "dessert". Basically the entire bunch.

Snack #1 (2:00)
Needed something right before class. Triscuit Thin Crisps. Are. Addicting. This x8.

Snack #2 (5:00)
Was feeling munchie but not really hungry after class. Cue the crunchy satisfaction of raw veggies.
Dinner (6:45)
I have been really into roasting for dinner lately, but tonight I needed something quick before my Spanish Club meeting. Enter stir-fri: onions, mushrooms, cabbage, and tempeh. With Bragg's Liquid Aminos and sriracha. Obviously, with more sriracha on the side.
Dinner is never complete with something sweet. I know it looks like tar, but it's delicious "Poor Man's College Girl's Berry Crumble": Blackberries in the bottom, topped with a sprinkling of oats and some stevia. Zapped for 3 sec so the oats kind of cook in the berry juices. Ugly, but delicioso.
I'm going to go see The Artist tonight at the little indie theater uptown, so there will definitely be some sort of snack-packing for that. 
Here's to hoping the rest of the week goes better than the first! Roommate drama. Enough said.
- Rach

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