Woohoo! It's Wednesday! Which has quickly become my favorite day of the week. No classes. Relaxing morning in the coffee shop. Productivity. And, the Challenge on MTV. Sad, I know, but my roommates and I watch it every week, and we are definitely addicted.
A very happy Rach
So, let's get into it. Last week, I explained how I am a definite grazer. This week, I really wanted to try and capture everything I ate in a given day (Tuesday). And, it was hard. Random handfuls of grapes and a few Wasa crackers made it without getting pictured. But, hey, I tried. A for effort.
I was feeling really run down yesterday, so I gave myself a day off of the gym and slept in a little.
Breakfast (9:00a)
Daily oats: oat bran, black berries, apple, topped with pb. With agua y café. On my mess of a desk. |
Lunch (12:40ish)
Hummus, avocado, tomatoes, cukes, romaine, and spicy brown mustard all wrapped in a Flatout. Mmmmm |
With a side of carrots and the all-so-necessary dill pickle spear. What is a sandwich or a wrap without one? |
Grapes about a half hour later for "dessert". Basically the entire bunch. |
Snack #1 (2:00)
Needed something right before class. Triscuit Thin Crisps. Are. Addicting. This x8. |
Snack #2 (5:00)
Was feeling munchie but not really hungry after class. Cue the crunchy satisfaction of raw veggies. |
Dinner (6:45)
I have been really into roasting for dinner lately, but tonight I needed something quick before my Spanish Club meeting. Enter stir-fri: onions, mushrooms, cabbage, and tempeh. With Bragg's Liquid Aminos and sriracha. Obviously, with more sriracha on the side. |
Dinner is never complete with something sweet. I know it looks like tar, but it's delicious "Poor Man's College Girl's Berry Crumble": Blackberries in the bottom, topped with a sprinkling of oats and some stevia. Zapped for 3 sec so the oats kind of cook in the berry juices. Ugly, but delicioso. |
I'm going to go see The Artist tonight at the little indie theater uptown, so there will definitely be some sort of snack-packing for that.
Here's to hoping the rest of the week goes better than the first! Roommate drama. Enough said.
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